Helpful Tips & Resources for Presenters 


Helpful Tips and Resources for Presenters:

  • WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU — If you need anything leading up to, or during the convention, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or Kiel:
  • RESOURCES FROM BEHAVIORLIVE BehaviorLive has a host of valuable resources to help you with things like using polls to engage your audience, adding handouts to your event, sharing slides, and playing videos during your presentation. Thanks, BehaviorLive!
  • RESOURCES FOR PREPPING PRESENTATIONS & POSTERS AND ADDRESSING NERVES (available to APBA members - must be logged to your account to access)
  • UPLOADING PDF OF SLIDES / HANDOUTS — It is lovely to provide a pdf of your slides, if you are willing. This helps attendees who benefit from having print materials to refer to during and after the presentation. If you are willing, you can do so ahead of time by logging in to your BehaviorLive account, go to “My Live Presentations”, find your talk, click on “Actions” (on the right), and then select “Enter the Live Dashboard.” Once your talk opens, click on “Handouts” in red at the bottom right of the screen and upload the pdf of your slides and any other materials you’d like to share. Attendees LOVE to receive resources and supports!
  • QUESTIONS FOR ON-DEMAND — Each presentation requires 3 multiple choice questions (5 questions for workshops) so that individuals can earn CEUs for watching on-demand after the convention. It is best to just get them done ahead of time. You can add them ahead of time by logging in to your BehaviorLive account, go to “My Live Presentations”, find your talk, click on “Actions” (on the right), and then select “Edit CEU Assessment.” A window will open where you can type in your questions and answers and this the red “save” button at the bottom right.
    • Please do your best to use readable fonts (e.g., Arial, Verdana, and Tahoma), use large font sizes, and minimize text on each slide.
    • Be mindful of color choices
      • Avoid using red and green because loads more people than you think have trouble seeing these two colors. Avoid orange & blue and red & blue, as those combos can be difficult to read.
      • Consider using either a light background (not white, but a soft cream or grey) and dark text and graphics or a dark background (black, navy, plum) and light text and graphics
    • Did you know that PowerPoint will do an accessibility check for you? Try it out!  Some of you may have an “Accessibility” tab in your ppt already. If so, click on that and look for the “Check Accessibility” option (often on the far left under the “Home” tab. If you don’t, that’s ok. Click on the “Review” tab and then look for the “Check Accessibility” option. Once you click on the “Check Accessibility” option a window will open on the right that says: “Accessibility Inspection Results.” Look for a “Warnings” category in the list of “Inspection Results” and click its arrow button to expand the results. Once you click on one of the warning items you’ll get some information to help you address the issue (mine shows up at the bottom right of the Accessibility window).
    • Please ensure that you include proper attribution and citations and that you have permission to use things like photos and quotes.
    • Please ensure that your images represent diversity and do not uphold commonly help stereotypes and preconceptions about individuals or groups.
    • Please turn on Closed Captioning in your presentation. This is a universal design strategy that benefits so many! We have a task analysis that includes instructions for PowerPoint for Mac and PC  and Google Slides. If you are one of the cool kids who uses Canva, never fear! You can download it as a PowerPoint and run it through PowerPoint with the CC on.
    • Please use a mic, even if you have a big voice. Using a mic is another universal design strategy that benefits many people and avoids placing the burden on an attendee to ask.
    • When introducing yourself, consider sharing your pronouns. Doing so signals, at the very least, that the space is welcoming of everyone being empowered to share their pronouns, should they choose.
    • Consider greeting not only the in-person audience, but the livestream folx too; they appreciate being acknowledged and included. We will have a volunteer watching the chat, but it is great if you can do that as well (maybe via your phone or a table) or ask a friend in the audience to help you out with that. If you ask questions of the in-person audience, don’t forget to ask the livestream attendees, and tell them to respond by chatting in using an emoji. 
    • When an in-person attendee asks a question or makes a comment, please restate it for the in-person and livestream attendees to make sure everyone hears. Then you can ask the person “Did I get that right?”
    • Please make sure that you stick to the CEU related time requirements (e.g., 50 min for 1, 75min for 1.5). There will be a volunteer present to give you time prompts. If you are worried you might end early (maybe you talk a bit faster when you are nervous) practice doing a summary of your main points, have some questions prepped you can pose to the audience, and/or have some “plants” (e.g., friends) in the audience who have prepared questions to ask. If you think you might go long, or find you are going to go over, you’ll have to find a way to skip a few slides or shorten what you were going to say. If you have a pdf of your slides already uploaded, you can refer to the attendees to the few slides you decide to skip.