Member Benefits


Members get access to several members only meetings and discounts:

  • Monthly Members Ethics Chat — free members only ethics chat with a panel of experts with 1 BACB® Ethics CEU (free). Members can submit questions up to 48 hours in advance of each meeting.
  • Monthly Journal Clubs — members can register for $5 and get 1 Learning BACB® CEU. These meetings are hosted by at lest one of the authors of the highlighted article.
  • Monthly Webinars — members can access monthly webinars and BACB® CEUs for a discount.
  • Quarterly Members Connect Meetings — free members only meetings to connect with your community
  • Quarterly DEI Webinars - members can access quarterly webinars and BACB® CEUs for a discount.
  • Annual Leadership Conference - members can access the annual leadership conference live or on demand for 6 months with a $50 discount on registration. 
  • Annual Convention - hybrid convention offered every Spring and for 6 months following with over 35% discount on registration for Members. 

See all of our upcoming events here. 


Discounts for professional development opportunities and resources, including:


Options to purchase critical services and products to support your work as a professional, including:

  • Professional liability insurance from CPH & Associates at group rates (for most U.S. members)
  • APBA 401(k) Retirement Plan Exchange through Evershore Financial Group
  • Evershore Financial Group consultation and support on business and individual financial needs for members
  • $2000 discount on Strategic Plan developed with Dams & Associates 

Learn about all of our discounts here. 


Useful infographics, guidelines, templates and more from APBA on topics such as but not limited to:

  • Scope of Competence 
  • Professional Development
  • Multiple Relationships 
  • Public Speaking 
  • Job Crafting 
  • Community of Practice 
  • DEI Guidance 
  • Meetings 
  • Conference Experience Prep
  • Supporting Activities 

See all of our Member Resources here.

Thank you to our current Discount Partners! 



Interested in becoming a Discount Partner with APBA? Let's connect. Email us. 

So, what are you waiting for?! Join now and start building your professional community of practice with APBA!

Disclaimer: APBA does not directly or indirectly endorse, approve, or recommend products, services, organizations/companies, or opinions of organizations/companies or affiliated individuals. APBA bears no responsibility for any related content.