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BACB Ethics Codes 

ABA Coding Coalition - Learn more about the important work of the ABA Coding Coalition (ABACC) by visiting their website. There are useful resources, FAQs, and a "contact us" form to submit questions.

The History of Applied Behavior Analysis: A Documentary Film and Course Based in Lawrence, Kansas, USA (see below).


Check out this free documentary by Ryan O’Donnell to learn more about the history of applied behavior analysis. There is an option to purchase continuing education units if you would like. 


The History of Applied Behavior Analysis: Part 1  

You've heard of Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968), but do you know the true story behind the origins of Applied Behavior Analysis? This fascinating documentary takes you to Lawrence, Kansas, and explores the nuanced history through the lens of 30+ individuals—some who carved the initial path and others who navigate in their wake, continuing the legacy. Delve into the profound influences of the experimental analysis of behavior, community-based and community-engaged research, the evolution of precision teaching, and more. Journey through time with exclusive tours of historic locations, uncovering the ongoing challenges, triumphs, and enduring impact that transformed a small academic pursuit into a global scientific movement. 


Director, writer, executive producer, editor & cinematographer: Ryan O'Donnell, MS, BCBA 


Run Time: 3 hours 35 minutes 


Featuring (in alphabetical order): 


Deborah Altus, PhD, LCAC 

Carl Binder, PhD 

Abigail Calkin, PhD 

Judith J. Carta, PhD 

Stephen B. Fawcett, PhD 

Patrick C. Friman, PhD, ABPP 

Vincent T. Francisco, PhD 

Charles R. Greenwood, PhD 

R. Vance Hall, EdD 

Nancy Hughes Lindsley, PhD 

Robert Lecomte, PhD 

Ogden R. Lindsley, PhD 

Edward K. Morris, PhD 

Pamela L. Neidert, PhD, BCBA, LBA-KS 

Johnathan Pinkston, PhD 

Derek D. Reed, PhD, BCBA-D 

Todd R. Risley, PhD 

Sandra Ruby, PhD 

Richard L. Schiefelbusch, PhD 

B. F. Skinner, PhD 

Trina D. Spencer, PhD, BCBA-D 

Barbara Terry-Campbell, PhD 

Thomas Zane, Ph.D., BCBA-D