Become an Affiliate

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Nonprofit professional behavior analysis associations or scholarly, scientific, or advocacy organizations are invited to become Affiliates of APBA. Please note that APBA does not have chapters or organization memberships. Rather, Affiliates are associations that partner with APBA to work toward common goals. Members of Affiliate organizations do not automatically become members of APBA, but they are strongly encouraged to join. 

Application for APBA Affiliate Status

There is no fee for becoming an Affiliate; just complete and submit the application below. Applications are subject to approval by APBA. Approved Affiliates can have their organization's name, logo, and website URL posted on the APBA website.

Affiliate organizations may only refer to themselves as "APBA Affiliates."Affiliate status does not involve or imply evaluation, accreditation, endorsement, or certification of the Affiliate association by APBA. Any references stating or implying evaluation, accreditation, endorsement, or certification by APBA are prohibited. Misrepresentation of the relationship with APBA may be grounds for termination of Affiliate status. It is expected that all Affiliates will act in accordance with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc. (BACB®) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code (available at

(NOTE: Applicant must be a nonprofit professional membership organization, such as a state, provincial, regional, or national behavior analysis association, or a nonprofit scholarly, scientific, or advocacy organization)

Apply Now as an APBA AFFILIATE